Ridge Hill Boarding Kennels Logo
Ridge Hill
Ridge Hill Farm, Utkinton
Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0JG

Phone Sue Williamson
on 01829 732210

please mention you found us on BoardingKennels.org
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Welcome to Ridge Hill
Ridge Hill Farm, Utkinton, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0JG

  • kennels location
  • boarding kennels
  • kennels staff
  • kennels building
  • kennels sleep
  • kennels exercise
  • dog exercise
  • dog walks
  • dog kennels services
  • dog welfare in kennels
  • dogs with special needs
  • boarding kennels fees

About Us

Boarding Kennels Location

Ridge Hill Kennels:-

Voted the pet.net BOARDING KENNELS of THE YEAR 2009

Ridge Hill Kennels excels itself in offering lots of human contact and attention.

Dogs are exercised off lead at least twice daily in fully secure exercise fields in the open Cheshire countryside.

The kennels are purpose built with under floor heating and central heating accommodation for both dogs and cats.

Only vaccinated animals accepted this must include Kennel Cough.

All vaccination certificates are checked on arrival.

Friendly, caring, trained and knowledgeable staff are always on site to care for our guests.

Fully licensed and vet approved and we come highly recommended.

Viewing is encouraged before booking - no appointment necessary within opening hours.

Opening Hours & Visiting

Boarding Kennels Building

We are open for you to drop off  and collect your dog as follows:- 

Monday - Saturday:-

9am - 11am & 4pm - 5.30


9am - 11am ONLY 

We are closed Sunday and Bank Holiday afternoons.

Viewing is welcomed and encouraged between our opening hours, or by appointment.

Staff & Knowledge

We have 4 full-time staff working in our kennels.

Our staff ratio is:      1 Staff : 8 Kennels

Boarding Kennels Staff/Owners

Ridge Hill Boarding Kennels in Cheshire

About our staff, knowledge and experience:

Our Kennels

We have 30 Kennels with Attached runs: Covered runs:

They were built in 2000 and are licensed for anything up to 40 dogs (maximum).

Less than 20 kennels per building
We're proudto say we have a maximum of 20 kennels in any one building
(The ideal is a maximum of 20 kennels in a building, as the less dogs, the calmer & quieter it is)

Boarding Kennels Sleep Accommodation

Boarding Kennels Exercise Run

About our Kennels

All our kennels are of solid construction.

The are all fully tiled with under floor heating and central heating.

All kennels have attached covered runs.

We have a very high standard of cleanliness within the kennels.  

All kennels are steam cleaned every day and disinfected.

The kennels are flooded with natural daylight, keeping them very bright and giving a very spacious feeling.


Dog Exercise & Play:

Dogs get out of their Kennels for exercise:

About dog exercise with our Boarding Kennels:

Exercise & Play in Boarding Kennels

Ridge Hill Kennels prides itself on the amount of exercise we give our guest dogs.  

All dogs have access to our two securely fenced fields.

All dogs are exercised off the lead in these secure exercise fields.

Dogs are exercised together if they are socialable, this is great for interaction with each other and good for loads of fun exercise.

One of our most enjoyable parts of the job is playing every day with each of the dogs.

Our guest dogs can have as much or as little exercise as they require but will still have interaction with other dogs.


Dog Walks/Exercise/Playtime with Staff:

Dogs exercised by staff:

120 minutes of walks/exercise with staff provided daily

About dog walks/playtime with staff

Dog Walks at the Boarding Kennels

All exercise is enjoyable for the dogs - they can interact with the other dogs or just site back and watch.

It is very important to us that all the dogs get a playtime, with EVERY need catered for.

Dog Care

Welfare & Settling In

Comfort items from home allowed:

DAP Therapy used: DAP Therapy (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) used in Kennels

Our policy on comfort items:

Dog Welfare in Boarding Kennels

We encourage guest dogs to bring a comfort blanket with them on their first visit as this helps to settle them in.

They are also welcome to bring a toy.  

Please note:- We do ask that all personal belongings are labelled.


Will you feed the same diet as at home:

Comfort items We're proud to say we DO offer to feed your dog the same diet as at home.
We understand how important it is to help your dog settle in quickly and easily without any digestive problems that would be caused with a change of diet.


Will you feed special/prescription diets:

Will feed natural/organic diets:

Caring for Dogs

Care of Easy-going & Steady Dogs

We take great care in making sure only dogs of the same ability are exercised together in our securely enclosed exercise fields.

We can accomodate all ages of dogs.

Please let us know if there are any specific requirements that you may have and will be only to happy to accomodate.



Care of Active Dogs

We can give very active dogs as much exercise as required as we have large security fenced exercise fields where dogs are let off the lead to play with each other.

We believe this is great for the socialisation of all dogs.

Dogs are always supervised in our fields.

Care of Daycare/creche Dogs

Day Boarding:-

We also offer a Day Boarding Service.

You can drop off your dog(s) off in the morning and collect at the end of the day.

Your dog will come home well exercised and ready for their beds.

Dogs with Special Needs

Separate, quiet section available:

About our care of special needs dogs:

Dog Welfare in Boarding Kennels

We care for every dog as if they were our own however we do pay a little extra special attention to any dogs with special needs to ensure they are fully enjoying their stay with us  and thier needs are fully taken care and (of course) plenty of TLC is given.

They can be exercised either on their own or with other dogs.

Nothing is too much trouble for us.

Any medication is adminstered by trained staff at no extra charge.

Diabetic dogs can also be catered for again at no extra cost.

All we ask is for the owner to supply us with exact written directions for all medication required.

Age considerations:


Senior Dogs

Elderly Dogs

We care for dogs with:

Allergies/ Allergenic

  Digestive Problems

Arthritis/ Arthritic



  Heart Disease

Convulsions/ Seizures/ Epilepsy

  Kidney Disease


  Nervous/ Sensitive/ Separation anxiety


  Skin Problems


Full Grooming Service Available

Bathing Service -  you can have your dog bathed before they come home.

Mico-Chipping  is also available.

Please enquire for details and costs of any of the above

Services for Dogs: Other Services:
Collect and return service Collect & Return, or Dog Chauffeur Service Pet Supplies
Professional grooming service Grooming Service (professional option, full bath & cut) Cattery (Cat Boarding)
Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy Small Animals Boarding
Webcam service Webcam Service Stables
Webcam service Send updates while you're away  

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Customer Testimonials


Fees are per dog, per day (includes any tax)

Boarding Kennels Fees

for a Small Dog

for a Medium Dog

for a Large Dog

for a Giant Dog

Further Information

We offer a discount for dogs from the same family who wish to share a kennel.

We look forward to meeting you soon


Map, Directions, and Driving Distance & Time

Ridge Hill Boarding Kennels,
Ridge Hill Farm, Utkinton, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0JG


No Map & Satellite Picture yet


Bookings, Queries & Appointments

Sue will be happy to discuss your queries about Ridge Hill Boarding Kennels including bookings, availability, and making an appointment to visit.

phonePhone Sue Williamson
on 01829 732210

Help and advice on choosing good boarding kennels - what to look for and what to avoidPlease tell us you found us on BoardingKennels.org