Boarding Kennel Fees.
What Should I Expect to Pay?
I want the
I want the nearest
What's the difference between them?
What Fees Should I Expect to Pay for Extremely Good Kennels?
You should expect to pay these daily fees for extremely good or true, high-end luxury boarding kennels:
You usually get what you pay for!
These photos show you why...
Poor, badly designed, unheated/unventilated and unhygienic kennels will always be cheaper.
They will so busy with high numbers of dogs and cleaning lots of kennels that they simply cannot walk or play with the dogs - causing them even more stress as they cannot get away even for a short time.
With poor care, cheap fees & large numbers of dogs
you also get:
dog anxiety, depression, stress & illness.
And very probably vet bills & worry.
I want the BEST kennels:
Well designed, built, heated, ventilated & insulated means it's:
I want the nearest
And what is the difference in fees between these kennels?
As a caring dog owner you'll want to do a tailor-made search for the right kennels for your dog's needs.
Don't just pick the cheapest or nearest ... it WILL come at the cost of your dog's health and welfare at the very least.
Next article: Online Boarding Kennels Recommendations